brings the RIght PEople together
for better and faster decisions

We liberate large organizations from meeting-overload, homemade complexity and silos

Problem to solve 

Organizations face the risk of losing both their delivery speed and business agility as they grow. This is typically due to a meeting-overload out of scaling.

Our customers have eliminated their meeting overload by RIPE. 

Solution approach

RIPE replaces your meeting structure and your decision making process by a truly agile and a human-centered interaction pattern.

Right People Capacity

Every organization has a physical limit for number of meetings which can be conducted during a day to have the right people involved at each of them. We call this number Right People Capacity. 

RIPE framework regulates the number of meetings conducted to fill this capacity by means of RIPE Days: People have Freedom to decide which meetings they join to contribute. This freedom increases their Engagement because everybody attends meetings out of a free will. Since this holds for every attendee, such meetings are filled with good energy. 

This stops Meeting-Overload instantly and for good. 

Quality in & Quality out

One of the enemies to Value Flow is a lack of Clarity. We jump into producing output based on a number of assumptions due to missing conversations. Later on these assumptions turn out to be false and so the respective  output is all waste. This is a sure source of interpersonal conflicts, frustration and technical debt.

With RIPE, only well prepared topics make it to a meeting (at a RIPE Day) because quality at input of a meeting is a major prerequisite for achieving  the respective meeting objective. 

In addition, only fully clarified topics are allowed to leave RIPE governance. which saves the organization from half-way clarified topics.

One Space of Authority

At RIPE Days, people meet to resolve issues at eye level. The only formal Authority is the Host. This kind of Collaboration dis-empowers Silos in a sustainable way.

In addition, every decision regarding a topic which falls under the scope of RIPE must be taken in the Space of RIPE Days. 

Revisiting a decision already taken, may only happen in the same Space where this decision has originated – on RIPE Days.

RIPE - liberating framework for Engagement, Value Flow and Alignment 

RIPE consists of four core steps and four key roles. The respective playbook including additional guidelines is published inside the RIPE Universe - the place where RIPE Guides share their knowledge and jointly improve the framework.

Typical Use Cases

Refinements by RIPE: Bring the right people from across your delivery organization together for an efficient and focused refinement full of energy and fun.

PI-Planning by RIPE: Make your PI-Planning a light weight and short event truly focused on cross-team issues and completely run by passion of your teams.

Project Management by RIPE: Use the full power and the collective knowledge of your project team to move fast and smart. Remember, nobody is smarter than everybody! 

Inspect and Adapt by RIPE: Work the system with a proper framework for better and faster organizational development.

Review or System Demo by RIPE:  Use the time of your stakeholders wisely and leave the choice of those review topics they are willing to explore up to them. 

Customer's Voice

This format has replaced conventional meetings and accelerated our decision making process substantially!

SAFe™ Release Train Engineer (RTE) of 14 Agile Teams

We all know statements like “one should…” and “one must…”. Thanks to RIPE we now know who “one” is and when and where they can be spoken to. This approach creates clarity across our entire organization in a very efficient and a goal-oriented way.

Executive management of a scaled product-organization which emerged out of a CHF 112'000'000 program

Our flow is simply beyond impressive and I am very proud to be a part of this organization and what it is achieving!

 SAFe™ System Architect 

Implementation Roadmap

What follows are the steps of the RIPE implementation roadmap. Note that, with us, you are going to move fast. It takes just a few weeks to implement RIPE.

1st Call

Problem-Solution Fit

Scope and Stakeholder Analysis

Getting ready

RIPE Day One

After RIPE Day Review

RIPE Guides

The RIPE Framework is not open source. The listed RIPE Guides only are authorized to use the framework for a commercial purpose. 

Vladimir Riecicky
DE | EN | SK 

Michael Rosser
DE | EN | FR